Compliance with the Latest Requirements for Electrical Fire


Have you ever faced issues in your electrical system?

If yes, then it’s high time to have an electrical safety audit to identify various electrical hazards, flaws in the design system, maintenance system, etc.

At present, electrical safety audits are carried out as per the National Building Code of India, 2005 Regulations & Indian Electricity Rules.

You can go for manual audits; otherwise, opt for automation where Smart DBs / Auditors / Optimizers lets you do real-time audit and protection.

As fire incidents took place in various hospitals and COVID centres across India, the Ministry of Home Affairs has circulated guidelines for ensuring safety from electrical fires.

In reference to IS732 and IS71521, hospitals must perform:

  1. Inspection
  2. Testing
  3. Periodic verification for medical standards
  4. Real-time protection via Smart DBs / Smart Auditors / Smart Optimisers

To help medical organizations for safety and reliability, we have developed the JPL Smart Audit Programme.

The programme will help hospitals achieve electrical fire safety as per the Ministry of Home Affairs guidelines for regular and temporary COVID hospitals.

Now you may be wondering, “What are the deliverables from JPL Smart Audits?”

The JPL Smart Audit Programme will deliver:

  1. Walkthrough Audit report for gaps in meeting NBC
  2. Training program for fire safety officer
  3. Complete site SLD
  4. Site inspection and testing report with gaps to IS732 and IS71521
  5. Real-time identification of critical electrical events and risk-based alerts
  6. Remotely operating command centre to analyze the real-time data
  7. Periodic checks performed as per prescribed schedules

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